Our Convex Mirror are great for some extra guidance through those tricky blind spots. These could save a nasty crash just by being mounted in the right place so drivers and pedestrians can see each other coming.
Safety Convex Mirror in factories and warehouses where workers on foot need to see what's coming, it might be a forklift or a truck. Most Commonly used in Factories, Warehouses and Carparks.
- Wall brackets and pole mount brackets are included
- After a different size? We've got you covered
- Made out of Poly-carbonate
- Versatile 600mm size for flexible applications.
- Optimal visibility to eliminate blind spots.
- Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.
- Enhances security and prevents accidents.
Use Cases:
Traffic Intersections: Enhance visibility for drivers, reducing the risk of collisions.
Retail Entrances: Improve surveillance for security and prevent shoplifting.
Hospitals: Monitor hallways and corridors for increased safety and security
NOTE - Please remove protective film after you have installed the convex mirror in place.