Jute Mesh is a fully biodegradable organic product made from jute which is a derivative of hessian. Specifically designed to act as an erosion control mat, jute mesh creates an environment which promotes rapid natural plant growth.
It is ideal for installation on a levelled soil subgrade. At least 60mm of topsoil is recommended to encourage plant growth. Jute mesh is easy to roll out and install, simply laying it over the terrain without applying tension, and overlapping each row of mesh by around 100mm. Jute mesh is ideal for applications such as grass establishment, coastal areas, wetlands and natural revegetation.
Each roll measures 1.22 metres wide x 550 metres long, enabling quick and easy coverage of large areas.
Ideal for: - Grass establishment
- Coastal areas
- Natural revegetation areas
- Wetlands
Features: - 548m metres long x 1.22m m wide
- 485gsm fabric weight
- Weight: approximately 250kg