Clark Utility Mini Laundry Tub and Cabinet
The CLARK Utility Mini features innovative, space efficient design, versatile and able to fit in the most restricted areas of the home without compromising on functionality.
- 500mm × 300mm × 900mm high.
- The most compact and space efficient tub and cabinet on the Australian market
- Ideal for small narrow areas and laundry cupboards
- Standard Flexible or Concealed by-pass
- Premium 304 grade stainless steel
- Cabinet material: Permacoat Z180
- Includes single by-pass kit
- Includes stainless steel basket waste
- Side entry suitable for concealed washing machine taps
- Door hinge can be mounted on left or right hand side
- Childproof latch not included
- CLARK's 25 year warranty, 10 year warranty on cabinet
- Floor version supplied for Vic and Qld ONLY (F6611)
- The standard and floor version is not available in WA due to WA Health Act (Laundries &. Bathrooms) Regulations as per paragraph 5. Requirement for Laundry Facilities
- White