Kwikgauge 5M Brick Gauge Tape With metric measurements so you don't need to carry tapes, our latest gauge tape tape now includes gauges 82, 83, 84, 85, 86 and 87. Our new 5M KWIKGAUGE Gauge Tape is light in weight and light in price
Kwikgauge was born out of frustration from needing to move windows or doors before the commencement of brick work to avoid unnecessary brick cuts but this is only one of the problems Kwikgauge Brick Gauge Tape solves. Time is money and too often bricks are under ordered, therefore holding up the job until more bricks arrive, or over order of they are over ordered which adds unnecessary cost to a job for both the builder and their client. Kwikgauge Brick Gauge Tape shows accurate brick quantities and with the money you save it will pay for itself on the first job!
Kwikgauge 5M Brick Gauge Tape -